Hallelujah to the God of all things V8. It is the Hamilton 400 and I have been converted.
We own a V8 and because it is our family car I drive it everyday but until now I have never really got the whole complete love of it. Sure it is a lot of fun out on the open road and I think she is a pretty car (she is in desperate need of a paint job though) but the fuel bill is atrocious, maintenance is expensive and well, I really am mystified that the Engineer is yet to earn a speeding ticket in it. Driving a V8 has not been enough to make a petrol head out of me.
It wasn’t until I spent all day at the race track here in Hamilton that I finally understood this madness that takes over. To many Heaven is a place on earth and for the car nut, this weekend Heaven has come to Hamilton in the form of the V8 Supercars. And finally I see why so many men have a devotion to cars that seems to almost surpass their marriage vows, and why so many women have joined in. The sound of a roaring engine is as beautiful as any whispered phrase of love. The acrid smell of burning rubber combined with man-sweat is more exhilarating than any French perfume. And the sights of Hamilton in party mode is absolutely unbelievable. And finally I get it!
The corner of Queens Ave and Lake Road in Frankton has been transformed into a haven for bogans. Mullets had been carefully pruned for the occasion and many are dressed in their full motor-head regalia; leather vests, black jeans and well worn Metallica t-shirts. It was simply glorious! Beer flowed freely and the smell of the stew slowly cooking on an outside gas-cooker was enough to make even the most conservative of pedestrians yearn to be invited in.
It was only 3pm when we passed by on our way home from the track and the conversations still seemed reasonably tame but I knew that during this weekend the old debate would always be near; Holden vs. Ford. Because that is what the V8 Supercars is all about isn’t it? Holden fans vs Ford fans It’s what buys tickets, merchandise, and the loyalty of a lifetime.
I myself am neither, my father always had Fords when I was young but when the Engnineer and I were looking for a new car the purple Holden Senator stole his heart in the simple revving of an engine. So now I am left to ferry the young fella around in a gas-guzzling, money-eating V8. But today I got it! I saw the rivalry at its peak and could not help but be impressed that each maker’s fans were willing to wear their colours with such loud, vocal and uncompromising pride. And it is this that I think is missing from Rugby.
Sure Rugby has its screaming fans, usually dressed in the latest jerseys, hats, jackets but we seemed to have lost that unconditional pride that a motorsport fan will always have. I heard one of the Holden 400 commentators say today that “motor-racing is sport, everything else is just a game”. And I thought that Rugby fans could learn a lot from that. Motor-sport and V8 racing is a way of life, and these days all rugby seems to be about is the value of the dollar.
Game of the week: Chiefs vs Crusader, here in Hamilton to add to a HUUUUGGEE weekend. The game kicks off in about half and an hour and it will be big ask but it will be fantastic if on the weekend of the Hamilton 400 the Chiefs could pull out an upset. Dan Carter is injured and not playing so now is the time. C'mon on the Chiefs!!! Enough said.
Rule of law: Scoring points. Simple yet crucial, and hopefully the Chiefs will be able to do alot of it.
Try: This happens when a player grounds the ball (applies pressure on the ball) in the opponents in-goal area. This is worth 5 points.
Penalty Try: A Penalty Try is given when an opponent would've scored a try but the opponent commits foul play. This too is worth 5 points.
Conversion Goal: A conversion is kicked when a players team scores a try and has the opportunity to gather 2 extra points.
Penalty: A penalty, worth 3 points, is scored when a player kicks a goal from a penalty kick. A penalty is awarded when an opponent commits a foul.
Dropped Goal: Finally, a drop goal, also worth 3 points, is scored when a player kicks a goal from a drop kick in general play.
Penalty Try: A Penalty Try is given when an opponent would've scored a try but the opponent commits foul play. This too is worth 5 points.
Conversion Goal: A conversion is kicked when a players team scores a try and has the opportunity to gather 2 extra points.
Penalty: A penalty, worth 3 points, is scored when a player kicks a goal from a penalty kick. A penalty is awarded when an opponent commits a foul.
Dropped Goal: Finally, a drop goal, also worth 3 points, is scored when a player kicks a goal from a drop kick in general play.