Anyway I digress this blog is meant to be about rugby isnt it? But perhaps I should take this chance to share my opinions on why I think so many men love the game. Rugby is just like chess, its about strategy and tactics but at the end of the day all its really about is domination and control. And after six years of living with the Engineer, I can tell you there is nothing that a man likes more than to dominate the situation. I am not talking about physical domination, just that 'man of the house' type mentality, you know that 'Ive been at work all day, I want my hot meat and three veg meal on the table when i get home' attitude. Never mind that his woman has been running around like a mad thing all day, the house is a tip because the kid is home and he's demanding mum's attention, it's all about him. And Rugby, unfortunately, is little like that. It is aggresive and demanding, and the 30 men out there romping around the field are trying to gain control. And just like many men I know, and particularlly my own, when things arnt going their way they blame it on the one person that really does have the control, and in real life that is usually you. Out on the rugby field that person it is the referee. I mean think about it - it was referee's fault why we lost that quarter final in France last year and it is always the referee's fault if he doesnt happen to see that guy that's offside or the man at the bottom of the ruck trying gouge out his opponent's eyes. I mean never mind that the referee is only human, men still expect him to be everywhere and see everything - just like they expect us to know where they left their keys last night and that they are grumpy because they had a bad day at work and they're not really yelling at you, they're just letting off steam. Men, they expect omnipotent qualities in the referees and their woman and yet most of them think that they're God anyway.
So heres to the referees because even though most of them are men, for 80 minutes they might just knows how it feels to be a woman. You are always trying to catch up with the play because you've got 50 million things to do and watch, and no bugger thinks about giving you a hand but they sure as hell will let you know when you've got it wrong.
Week eight's Game of the week is recommended by the highly entertaining Mike Fletcher of the JTO and he reckons to watch the Sharks. So the 'Canes Vs Sharks at the cake tin on Saturday night it is. Watch out for the Hurricane's loose trio again, aggressive and confrontational they should have a go at the big South Africans and I fully expect a few fire works. Otherwise the speedsters out the back for both teams should look good if they get that elusive open space. Oh and also keep an eye on Francois Steyn, as he is going to give the All blacks a few headaches come Test time.
And as for the rule of the week, well just remember you're not really allowed to gouge out other people's eyes - even at the bottom of the ruck.

Happy Rugby watching 8-)
Poor referees, I do feel sorry for them now. It's still fun to chant derogatory comments at the ref during a game though.
"So here's to the referees because even though most of them are men, for 80 minutes they might just knows how it feels to be a woman."
- Brilliant Karla! You had me in stitches...and what you said was so very true. Imagine what men and rugby would be like without someone making sure they play by the rules!
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